Elizabeth Hanney
My Story
So Far!

Elizabeth Hanney
My Story
So Far!
Elizabeth Hanney
My Story
So Far!
Everyone has a story around their identity, based on their past experiences and what others told them about themselves along the way. My inclination has always been to question these beliefs, good and bad, and strive to be the author of my own destiny.
“With the realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.” – Dalai Lama
Empathy – is a skill that allows you to see and experience the world from another person’s perspective
In many ways being part of a large family laid the early foundations in my journey to becoming a Life Coach. I have experienced my own mix of challenges and triumphs often first hand or in an empathic capacity through my personal and professional relationships. Success, loss, procrastination, decision-making, assertiveness, and change, are all part of the cocktail that is life. It is my experience that those people who are accompanied through a challenging time find resolution and success more easily.
Success – is about realising your passion, purpose and potential
My first real taste of success was in my teens when I represented my country on the soccer field. I learned then that success is about loving what you do. It’s those feelings I can tap into today to recreate what being in the flow feels like, to dance in the moment and intuitively respond, to create the success I desire. The truth is that the mind and body don’t know the difference between an imagined event and the real thing, which effectively means that you have the ability to create your own happiness and success at will.
Optimism – is maintaining a positive outlook, remaining hopeful and resilient despite setbacks
I have always been an optimist with lots of energy and questions about life. My formal education gave me a grounding in counselling, psychology, theology and an understanding on how our environments shape our beliefs. Two years of yoga teacher training expanded this awareness that mind and body are intrinsically linked and that we can tap into important feedback from the head, heart and gut for a more informed life. I continue to challenge my own growth mindset by attending the seminars and workshops of inspirational authors and leaders such as Oprah, Caroline Myss, Katie Byron, Eckart Tolle, Tony Humpphrey, Bruce Lipton, to name a few.
Life Coach – living my best life as I witness others fulfilling their dreams
I chose the Coaching with Neuroscience qualification because it combines the benefits of working with positive psychology, and the science that maps changes in our thinking and behaviour patterns. This is a whole-system approach to integrating mind, body and intuition and empowers you to question those self-limiting beliefs, to trust your gut and be more decisive about the life you want. I walk my talk through continuous learning to bring you the latest thinking and techniques in coaching and beyond.
Life Coach – living my best life as I witness others fulfilling their dreams
I chose the Coaching with Neuroscience qualification because it combines the benefits of working with positive psychology and the science that maps changes in our thinking and behaviour patterns. This is a whole-system approach to integrating mind, body and intuition and empowers you to question those self-limiting beliefs, to trust your gut and be more decisive about the life you want. I walk my talk through continuous learning to bring you the latest thinking and techniques in coaching and beyond.

The coaching experience with Elizabeth was exceptional. She has taught me a whole new way of looking at my professional and personal life and helped me to understand and adapt my behaviour. Elizabeth has an amazing gift and is also very professional, warm and knowledgeable. I left each session with real learnings that I was able to apply. – Jamie